(old but still works) (best to use)
IG @mrobertmarkovich
Hello, welcome to the site, thanks for dropping by.
The projects are listed in basic chronological order starting in the 1980s at top left.
There is a brief project statement on each page.
All photographs are either chromogenic color darkroom prints or archival pigment prints.
Print sizes vary by project.
All images are available for exhibition, publication and collection.
Group exhibition proposals are welcome, as well as curatorial proposals.
Please contact me at or you can DM me on IG @mrobertmarkovich for details.
I have been creating work independently for some time, but please feel free to contact me if you have a commission or collaborative idea you would like to discuss.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions.
Come back from time to time for periodic updates and additions.
Thanks for looking,
Bob Markovich